Patients from refugee and other vulnerable populations are in dire need of intelligent, proactive care, particularly during the ongoing COVID-19 global pandemic. Our software empowers clinicians to give them the care they deserve.

Every dollar you donate will go directly to developing and deploying our lifesaving software; all of our operational costs are covered separately by a small group of private donors. Thank you for making a contribution to healthcare for the underserved.

Hikma Health is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) charitable organization based in the United States. All contributions are tax deductible (Tax ID: 83-1794093). No goods or services will be provided in exchange for the contribution.

If your employer matches charitable contributions, please consider donating through Benevity. Donations by check can be mailed to: Hikma Health Inc., 123 E San Carlos St. PMB 2222, San Jose, CA 95112.

For assistance donating vehicles, stocks, securities, or other assets, please email us at

Thank you for making a contribution to refugee healthcare.